.. _base_tutorial_remote: ============== Remote testing ============== So far, you have used Checkbox in local mode. It is, however, possible to use Checkbox to test a device from another device. It is the preferred method of using Checkbox, especially if you plan on running tests that suspend, reboot or turn off the device you're testing. In Checkbox language, the device being tested is called an :term:`agent` and the device controlling the execution of the tests is called the :term:`controller`. This is the remote mode. In this section, you will use the remote mode to execute a test plan. Agent and controller ==================== Run the following command: .. code-block:: none systemctl status snap.checkbox.agent.service You should see something like this: .. code-block:: none ● snap.checkbox.agent.service - Service for snap application checkbox.service Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/snap.checkbox.service.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled) Active: active (running) since Fri 2023-07-21 13:38:48 CST; 1h 29min ago Main PID: 1411 (python3) Tasks: 1 (limit: 19014) Memory: 69.7M CPU: 2.537s CGroup: /system.slice/snap.checkbox.agent.service └─1411 python3 /snap/checkbox22/current/bin/checkbox-cli run-agent Jul 21 13:38:48 coltrane systemd[1]: Started Service for snap application checkbox.service. (...) When you install Checkbox on a device, a Systemd service is started to turn this device into a Checkbox agent. For the sake of this tutorial, let's stop this service for the moment: .. code-block:: none sudo systemctl stop snap.checkbox.agent.service Now, open two terminal windows using ``Ctrl+Alt+T``. In the first one, start the Checkbox agent: .. code-block:: none sudo checkbox.checkbox-cli run-agent In the second one, run Checkbox as a controller to connect to the agent: .. code-block:: none checkbox.checkbox-cli control .. note:: is the IP address pointing to your own computer! On the agent terminal, you should see something like ``Using `$USER` user`` where ``$USER`` is your local user name. On the controller terminal, you should get the list of test plans available. Go ahead and select the "Checkbox Base Tutorial" test plan, keep all the tests selected and start the test session by pressing ``T``. All the test cases are being executed, then Checkbox generates the usual text summary as well as the submission files. Notice how the output is slightly different: .. code-block:: none 1.17MB [00:00, 25.3MB/s, file=/home/pieq/.local/share/checkbox-ng/submission_2023-07-21T07.30.46.784342.html] file:///home/pieq/.local/share/checkbox-ng/submission_2023-07-21T07.30.46.784342.html 32.0kB [00:00, 26.6MB/s, file=/home/pieq/.local/share/checkbox-ng/submission_2023-07-21T07.30.46.784342.junit.xml] file:///home/pieq/.local/share/checkbox-ng/submission_2023-07-21T07.30.46.784342.junit.xml 256kB [00:00, 24.1MB/s, file=/home/pieq/.local/share/checkbox-ng/submission_2023-07-21T07.30.46.784342.tar.xz] file:///home/pieq/.local/share/checkbox-ng/submission_2023-07-21T07.30.46.784342.tar.xz This is because the submission files are generated on the agent, then transferred over the network to the controller, so Checkbox displays the size of each file as well as some estimated duration for the transfer. Since in our case both the agent and the controller are on the same device, the transfer is immediate. Similar to the local mode, Checkbox also asks by default if you want to upload the results to the Certification website. Just type ``n`` and press ``Enter`` to end the session. On the agent terminal, you can see a message like: .. code-block:: none Finalizing session that hasn't been submitted anywhere: remote-2023-07-21T07.26.58 This means the test session ``remote-2023-07-21T07.26.58`` has been completed and it was not uploaded to the Certification website. Stop the agent running in the terminal by pressing ``Ctrl+C`` in it, then restart the Checkbox agent service with: .. code-block:: none sudo systemctl start snap.checkbox.agent.service If you have another device running Ubuntu, you can try to install Checkbox on it, then connect to it using your own computer with the ``checkbox.checkbox-cli control x.x.x.x`` command, replacing ``x.x.x.x`` by the IP address of the other device. Launchers in remote mode ======================== In remote mode, you can use launchers the same way you did in local mode. If you still have the launcher file you created in the :ref:`base_tutorial_launcher` section, run the following command: .. code-block:: none checkbox.checkbox-cli control mylauncher This will start a remote test session with the configuration defined in your launcher. The interrupt screen ==================== When run in remote mode, Checkbox comes with some additional features. One of them is the interrupt screen. Run Checkbox remote: .. code-block:: none checkbox.checkbox-cli control Select the "Checkbox Base Tutorial" test plan, leave all the jobs selected, and press ``T`` to start the testing session. Now, while the tests are being executed by the agent, press ``Ctrl+C`` on the controller. You should see a screen like this: .. code-block:: none Interruption! ┌─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ │ │ │ What do you want to interrupt? │ │ │ │ (X) Nothing, continue testing (ESC) │ │ ( ) Stop the test case in progress and move on to the next │ │ ( ) Pause the test session and disconnect from the agent (CTRL+C) │ │ ( ) Exit and stop the Checkbox service on the agent at │ │ ( ) End this test session preserving its data and launch a new one │ │ │ └─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ Press or to continue The different choices are explained in the :ref:`Checkbox remote explanation `. Let's select the option "Exit and stop the Checkbox service on the agent" by highlighting it with the arrows and pressing ``Space``, then press ``Enter``. Checkbox exits, and you can see the Checkbox agent Systemd service is not running anymore: .. code-block:: none systemctl is-active snap.checkbox.agent.service inactive If you try reconnecting to the agent, the controller will wait 5 minutes for the agent to be reactivated, after what it will time out: .. code-block:: none checkbox.checkbox-cli control ..... Connection timed out. Restart the agent by typing: .. code-block:: none sudo systemctl start snap.checkbox.agent.service Wrapping up =========== In this section, you played with the remote mode of Checkbox which allows to control an agent through the network. You stopped and started the Systemd service that turns any device into a Checkbox agent, and you connected to the Checkbox agent using a Checkbox controller in order to select the test plan and the test cases to run, either by hand or using a launcher.