Checkbox tutorials


If you’re planning to develop tests for a Ubuntu Core system or planning to package your tests as a Snap, see Creating a custom Checkbox application for Ubuntu Core testing.

Creating an empty provider

Checkbox Providers are bundles containing information how to run tests.

To create an empty provider run:

$ checkbox-cli startprovider --empty com.example:myprovider

checkbox-cli is the command that runs Checkbox, --empty informs Checkbox that you want to start from scratch. com.example:myprovider is the name of the provider. Providers use IQN naming, it helps in tracking down ownership of the provider.

Checkbox Jobs are the things that describe how tests are run. Those Jobs are defined in .pxu files, in ‘units’ directory of the provider.

The provider we’ve just created doesn’t have that directory, let’s create it:

$ cd com.example\:myprovider
$ mkdir units

Adding a simple job to a provider

Jobs loosely follow RFC822 syntax. I.e. most content follow key:value pattern.

Let’s add a simple job that runs a command.

Open any .pxu file in units directory of the provider (if there isn’t any, just create one, like units.pxu). And add following content:

id: my-first-job
flags: simple
command: mycommand

id is used for identification purposes flags enables extra features. In the case of simple, it lets us not specify all the typical fields - Checkbox will infer some values for us. command specifies which command to run. Here it’s mycommand

In order for jobs to be visible in Checkbox they have to be included in some test plan. Let’s add a test plan definition to the same .pxu file.:

unit: test plan
id: first-tp
name: My first test plan
include: my-first-job


Separated entities in the .pxu file has to be separated by at least one empty line.

Running jobs from a newly created provider

In order for Checkbox to see the provider we have to install it. To do so run:

$ sudo ./ install

Now we’re ready to launch Checkbox! Start the command line version with:

$ checkbox-cli

Follow the instructions on the screen. The test will (probably) fail, because of mycommand missing in your system. Let’s change the job definition to do something meaningful instead. Open units.pxu, and change the line:

command: mycommand


command: [ `df -B 1G --output=avail $HOME |tail -n1` -gt 10 ]


This command checks if there’s at least 10GB of free space in $HOME

This change won’t be available just yet, as we still have an old version of the provider installed in the system. Let’s remove the previous version, and install the new one.:

$ sudo rm -rf /usr/local/lib/plainbox-providers-1/com.example\:myprovider/
$ sudo ./ install

This sudo operations (hopefully) look dangerous to you. See next part to see how to avoid that.

Developing provider without constantly reinstalling it

Instead of reinstalling the provider every time you change anything in it, you can make Checkbox read it directly from the place you’re changing it in.:

$ ./ develop

Because now Checkbox may see two instances of the same provider, make sure you remove the previous one.


./ develop doesn’t require sudo, as it makes all the references in user’s home.

Improving job definition

When you run Checkbox you see the job displayed as ‘my-first-job’ which is the id of the job, which is not very human-friendly. This is because of the simple flag. Let’s improve our Job definition. Open units.pxu and replace the job definition with:

id: my-first-job
_summary: 10GB available in $HOME
    this test checks if there's at least 10gb of free space in user's home
plugin: shell
estimated_duration: 0.01
command: [ `df -B 1G --output=avail $HOME |tail -n1` -gt 10 ]

New stuff:

_summary: 10GB available in $HOME

Summary is shown in Checkbox screens where jobs are selected. It’s a human-friendly identification of the job. It should should be short (50 - 70 chars), as it’s printed in one line. _ means at the beginning means the field is translatable.

    this test checks if there's at least 10gb of free space in user's home

Purpose as the name suggest should describe the purpose of the test.

plugin: shell

Plugin tells Checkbox what kind of job is it. shell means it’s a automated test that runs a command and uses its return code to determine job’s outcome.

estimated_duration: 0.01

Tells Checkbox how long the test is expected to run. This field is currently informative only.