Using Checkbox

Getting Started

You’ve got Checkbox installed, right?

To run command line version of Checkbox, in your terminal run checkbox-cli. You should be greeted with test plan selection screen:

checkbox-cli enables you to select which test suite to run.

With a test plan selected, you can choose the individual tests to run:

checkbox-cli enables you to select or de-select specific tests.

When the tests are run, the results are saved to files and the program prompts to submit them to Launchpad.

Checkbox Command Line

When checkbox is run without any arguments, i.e.:

$ checkbox-cli

Interactive session is started with the default options.

checkbox-cli startprovider

startprovider subcommand creates a new provider, e.g.:

$ checkbox-cli startprovider com.acme:example

The command will also add example units to that provider, to create an empty provider, use --empty option, e.g.:

$ checkbox-cli startprovider --empty com.acme:another-example

checkbox-cli list

list command prints out all units of the following type.

Currently there are following types you can list:

  • job

  • test plan

  • category

  • file

  • template

  • file

  • manifest entry

  • packaging meta-data

  • exporter

  • all-jobs (this special type list both, jobs and templates generating jobs and has a different output formatting)


$ checkbox-cli list job

$ checkbox-cli list "test plan"

$ checkbox-cli list all-jobs


For multi-word types like ‘test plan’ remember to escape the spaces in between, or enquote the type name.

Output Formatting

For the ‘all-jobs’ group, the output may be formatted to suit your needs. Use --format option when listing all-jobs. The string will be interpolated using properties of the listed jobs. Invoke checkbox-cli list all-jobs --format ? to see available properties. If the job definition doesn’t have the specified property, <missing $property_name> will be printed in its place instead. Additional property - unit_type is provided to the formatter when listing all jobs. It is set to ‘job’ for normal jobs and ‘template job’ for jobs generated with a template unit.


$ checkbox-cli list all-jobs -f "{id}\n\t{tr_summary}\n"

$ checkbox-cli list all-jobs -f "{id}\n"

$ checkbox-cli list all-jobs -f "{unit_type:12} | {id:50} | {summary}\n"


\n and \t in the formatting string are interpreted and replaced with new line and tab respectively.

When using own formatting, the jobs are not suffixed with a new line - you have to explicitly use it.

checkbox-cli list-bootstrapped

This special command lists all the jobs that would be run on the device after the bootstrapping phase, i.e. after all the resource jobs are run, and all of the templates were instantiated.

It requires an argument being the test plan for which the bootstrapping should execute.


$ checkbox-cli list-bootstrapped com.canonical.certification::default

Similarly to the checkbox-cli list all-jobs command, the output of checkbox-cli list-bootstrapped can be formatted using the -f parameter. See checkbox-cli list Output Formatting section for more information.

checkbox-cli tp-export

tp-export exports a test plan as a spreadsheet document. Tests are grouped by categories and ordered alphabetically with the full description (or the job summary if there’s no description). In addition to the description, the certification status (blocker/non-blocker) is exported.

The session is similar to list-bootstrapped but all resource jobs are returning fake objects and template-filters are disabled to ensure instantiation of template units. By default only one resource object is returned. The only exception is the graphics_card resource where two objects are used to simulate hybrid graphics.

The command prints the full path to the document on exit/success.


$ checkbox-cli tp-export com.canonical.certification::client-cert-18-04

It can be used to automatically generate a test case guide using a pdf converter:


$ checkbox-cli tp-export com.canonical.certification::client-cert-18-04 | xargs -d '\n' libreoffice --headless --invisible --convert-to pdf

checkbox-cli launcher

launcher command lets you customize checkbox experience.

See Checkbox launchers tutorial for more details.


launcher is implied when invoking checkbox-cli with a file as the only argument. e.g.:

$ checkbox-cli my-launcher

is equivalent to:

$ checkbox-cli launcher my-launcher

checkbox-cli run

run lets you run particular test plan or a set of jobs.

To just run one test plan, use the test plan’s id as an argument, e.g.:

$ checkbox-cli run com.canonical.certification::smoke

To run a hand-picked set of jobs, use regex pattern(s) as arguments. Jobs with id matching the expression will be run, e.g.:

$ checkbox-cli run com.acme:.*


The command above runs all jobs which id begins with com.acme:

You can use multiple patterns to match against, e.g.:

$ checkbox-cli run .*true .*false


The command above runs all jobs which id ends with ‘true’ or ‘false’

Looking Deeper


First, we installed some “provider” packages. Providers were designed to encapsulate test descriptions and their related tools and data. Providers are shipped in Debian packages, which allows us to express dependencies to ensure required external packages are installed, and we can also separate those dependencies; for instance, the provider used for server testing doesn’t actually contain the server-specific test definitions (we try to keep all the test definitions in the Checkbox provider), but it does depend on all the packages needed for server testing. Most users will want the resource and Checkbox providers which contain many generic tests, but this organization allows shipping the tiny core and a fully customized provider without extraneous dependencies.

A provider is described in a configuration file (stored in /usr/share/plainbox-providers-1). This file describes where to find all the files from the provider. This file is usually managed automatically (more on this later). A provider can ship jobs, binaries, data and test plans.

A job or test is the smallest unit or description that Checkbox knows about. It describes a single test (historically they’re called jobs). The simplest possible job is:

id: a-job
plugin: manual
_description: Ensure your computer is turned on. Is the computer turned on?

Jobs are shipped in a provider’s jobs directory. This ultra-simple example has three fields: id, plugin, and description. (A real job should include a _summary field, too.) The id identifies the job (of course) and the _description provides a plain-text description of the job. In the case of this example, the description is shown to the user, who must respond because the plugin type is manual. plugin types include (but are not limited to):

  • manual – A test that requires the user to perform some action and report the results.

  • shell – An automated test that requires no user interaction; the test is passed or failed on the basis of the return value of the script or command.

  • resource – Job that identifies the resources that the system has. (e.g. discrete GPU, Wi-Fi module). This information can later be used by other jobs to control other jobs’ execution. (E.g. skip Wi-Fi tests if there’s no Wi-Fi chip).

  • user-interact – A test that asks the user to perform some action before the test is performed. The test then passes or fails automatically based on the output of the test. An example is keys/media-control, which runs a tool to detect keypresses, asks the user to press volume keys, and then exits automatically once the last key has been pressed or the user clicks the skip button in the tool.

  • user-interact-verify – This type of test is similar to the user-interact test, except that the test’s output is displayed for the user, who must then decide whether it has passed or failed. An example of this would be the usb/disk_detect test, which asks the user to insert a USB key, click the test button, and then verify manually that the USB key was detected correctly.

  • user-verify – A test that the user manually performs or runs automatically and requires the user to verify the result as passed or failed. An example of this is the graphics maximum resolution test which probes the system to determine the maximum supported resolution and then asks the user to confirm that the resolution is correct.